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imbalance of yin and yang中文是什么意思

用"imbalance of yin and yang"造句"imbalance of yin and yang"怎么读"imbalance of yin and yang" in a sentence


  • 阴阳乖戾
  • 阴阳失调


  • Often imbalance of yin and yang is associated with the rejection of the inner male and female
  • The imbalance of yin and yang is the basic pathogenesis of many a disease , therefore , regulating relative excess or insufficiency of yin and yang , remedying defects to rectify abuses and restoring relative balance of yin and yang are one of the basic principles in clinical treatment
  • Traditional chinese medicine theory considers that the hypertension is mainly caused by the imbalance of yin and yang of heart , liver and renal functions plus the attacks from the wind , heat , toxicity , the interaction of body sputum and stagnation , and the impact of other various factors
用"imbalance of yin and yang"造句  
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